Chhattisgarh Certification Society India for Forestry & Agriculture (CGCERT) is financially supported by Govt. of Chhattisgarh & working under administrative control of Forest Department, Govt. of Chhattisgarh. Personnel of CGCERT have undergone various training programmes conducted by APEDA, Ministry of Commerce, GoI Certification programme.

The inspection and Certification services of CGCERT shall be in accordance with the NPOP standards. The NPOP for the production and accreditation system has been recognized by European Commission and Switzerland as equivalent to their country standards.  Indian organic products duly certified by the accredited certification bodies of India like CGCERT in accordance with the desired standards will be accepted by the importing countries.

Quality Council of India has granted provisional approval for Network for Certification & Conservation of Forests – Forest Management (NCCF – FM).