
  1. Each applicant shall be contacted before inspection to conduct the inspection visit in a timely manner. This does not apply to unannounced on-site visits. The duration of inspection visits can vary depending on the size and complexity of the operation.
  2. The inspection shall be carried out only in the presence of operator or the responsible person who could accompany the assigned inspector.
  3. The inspection shall cover entire chain of custody of the production system managed by the operator. It will include organic as well as conventional production.
  4. After completing inspection and filling inspection checklist, CGCERT inspector shall give a copy of inspection checklist to the operator. The inspection checklist shall be signed and dated by the inspector and the operator both.
  5. CGCERT inspector shall make his / her observations regarding the type of non compliances found and tell operator about the relevant provisions in NPOP. Inspector will ask the operator to rectify the non compliances.
  6. The frequency of scheduled inspections can be increased or decreased on the basis of operator's performance or degree of compliance with the applicable standards. The frequency and type of inspections are based on the anticipated risk with respect to the individual operators (size and type of operation), intensity of production, outcome of previous inspection and operator's record of compliances and complaints received by CGCERT. The risk analysis shall take into account all relevant threats to the organic integrity of the production system.